What You Should Know About Registration

 Common phone calls we get about the festival are two things.

1. How does 1+1 work and

2. What happens when a class I "need" is full?​

In a quick answer for the first one there are 2 places to get this information and now I'll add a third one for easy access! Check our Facebook Notes Page as well as our FAQ page for common questions and how-to's here.

The 1+1 pass is something that came up for attendees who bring their friends, club members and loved ones who share in the passion of photography. First, one of you gets to choose who will register first and pay the $798 registration; you will complete the pass registration form and create one account. Once we receive that registration form we will contact you and ask for your +1 name an email (or you can email us the information). We will then make a coupon code for the +1 person so they can create their own unique account and start their schedule. You and your +1 can decide how to handle the “split” of the registration fee behind the scenes. So bring a friend! It saves $100 on each of your week passes!

As a follow up to that, if you have already registered for a gold week pass you can still bring a friend! We like to reward those who bring people with them in order to get more attendees enjoying our awesome event. All you do is contact us with your +1 information and we will explain the details!

2. What happens when "the class I NEED" is full?​

This is going to happen since so many of our classes are small and awesome! First of all remember that there are a lot of really wonderful classes on the schedule and don't worry about the few classes that are full. I have personally chosen for you 15+ (and adding) top industry photographers to not only teach you their photography joys in life, but to get you to expand out of your box and try new topics, subjects and workflows.​ Don't get tied down to a make it or break it class because you may learn just as much and have just as much photographic fun in the next class over. If you've never taken a Hollywood portrait class, give it a try this year! Have you ever taken the time to learn color theory and find out how it can improve your photography? We know that basic classes, lectures and workflow aren’t the “spectacular” topics like long exposures, but there is a lot of important and useful information that you may find worth the time spent. Also, don’t forget to take the intro classes. The instructors want to make them mandatory and I know you’ll sign up for what is the intro to a class you’re taking since you don’t want to be left behind or miss out.

OK, having said all of that...consider the first month or two of the schedule as "trial based".  We have assigned instructors to rooms and venues behind the scenes and are watching to see what fills and what gets higher numbers and input from registered attendees. As they fill, if and when available we will move an instructor to a larger room. For instance,​ if I have an instructor booked at LIGHT (holds 16) and 30 people want the class, I will most likely be moving that instructor to a 30-person room at Embassy and we'll learn on our laptops instead of the LIGHT"s Lab PC computers.

Now, there is a limit to expansion.

Our goal for the festival is to give you a hands-on, one of a kind experience that very few other festivals, expos or conventions can give you. The only way to achieve this is to keep smaller group numbers in outdoor shooting sessions and hands-on classes. I hope you can help support the spirit of the festival when we say there just isn't enough room this year and hopefully you will try another class or instructor and experiment. But do not hesitate to let us know what you're looking for...I may just be able to add another instructor if we get more attendees asking...nicely. I will also let you in on a secret. Many registered attendees overbook themselves and fill their schedule beyond their mental and energy capacity! If you watch the schedule, even during the week of the festival, you will see people unregister from classes. Only registered attendees will have first dibs at open spaces.

We realize that it is tough to see "class full”. And within reason we will do our best to accommodate the large number of people coming this year. And we do hope that you keep coming (and register earlier) to get a jump on those popular topics!

If any of you are interested in receiving push notifications through an app for when classes have spots added, or classes have been added please leave those comment below.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for helping support the festival, it truly is a very unique and wonderful event and we hope to see you come this October!​

Victoria Schmitt and the LIGHT Team.​