Tip number two often goes hand in hand with number one, go where this is a non-stop supply of eagle food. I have no problem with feeding eagles to get images but there is a finite amount of frozen herring. Food equals eagle action. The birds will feed almost non stop. I have seen eagles feed until there are fins sticking out their beaks. With plenty of birds and food you increase your opportunity in a major way. In the image above the fish are literally jumping out of the water into the waiting talons of the approaching eagle. There is also something a little more raw and natural about a freshly ripped apart herring; half in the beak and half in the talons. In the gory image above note there is another whole herring in the talons as well.
As I mentioned, feeding to attract eagles is not really any different than planting flowers to attract butterflies or using sugar water to bring in hummingbirds to an elaborate flash setup. I do believe in full disclosure though and will discuss if an eagle was baited or not. Most often it is pretty easy to tell if there is a fish in the frame (in the water or in the talons/beak.) Recently caught live fish bleed and still look alive. Frozen herring are slightly discolored, the tail contracts, and the eye is very dead. For example, check out the gull below picking up a frozen herring.